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Digital Transformation and Innovation 2025
Instructions: You must fill out a form for each paper you submit. The submission procedure is in two steps:
Step 1 - Fill out Author information
Step 2 - Fill out Paper information
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are mandatory
Step 1 - Author Information
First author information
First Name(*):
Last Name(*):
Name of Institution(*):
Mail Address(*):
Second author information
First Name:
Last Name:
Name of Institution:
Third author information
First Name:
Last Name:
Name of Institution:
Fourth author information
First Name:
Last Name:
Name of Institution:
Fifth author information
First Name:
Last Name:
Name of Institution:
Sixth author information
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Last Name:
Name of Institution:
Are you or any of your co-authors a member of the Conference Scientific Committee?:
Step 2 - Paper Information
Paper Title(*):
Paper Abstract(*):
Paper File(*):
: Submit
doc, docx, rtf or PDF formats only
- no other formats will be accepted.
The file max. size is 5 Mb
Track 1(*):
Please select the track
Track 1: Digital Strategy and Leadership
Digital business models
Strategic alignment with technology
Leadership in the digital age
Change management in digital transformation
Ethical considerations in digital strategy
Digital innovation ecosystems
Governance and risk management in digital initiatives
Impact of digital leadership on organizational culture
Track 2: Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
Big data analytics
Predictive analytics and forecasting
Data-driven decision-making
Business intelligence tools and practices
Real-time analytics for business operations
Data privacy and security challenges
Machine learning applications in business
Data visualization for managerial insights
Track 3: Emerging Technologies and Disruptive Innovation
Blockchain and distributed ledger technology
Internet of Things (IoT) applications
Artificial intelligence and cognitive computing
Augmented and virtual reality in business
5G technology and its impact on business
Robotic process automation (RPA)
Quantum computing advancements
Technology-driven business model disruption
Smart Cities
Track 4: E-Commerce and Digital Marketing
Omnichannel retail strategies
Personalization in e-commerce
Social media marketing innovations
Mobile commerce trends
Customer experience in digital channels
Cross-border e-commerce challenges
Digital marketing analytics
Influencer marketing and brand partnerships
Track 5: Sustainable Innovation
Sustainable technologies
Sustainable business practices in digital transformation
Digital sustainability
Green IT and environmental sustainability
Social responsibility in technology-driven initiatives
Circular economy and digitalization
Smart mobility solutions
Energy-efficient technologies
Track 6: Application Areas
Private businesses
Government and state-level institutions (e.g. administrations, municipalities)
Track 1 will be considered as the main track of your paper.
Track 2(*):
Please select the track
Track 1: Digital Strategy and Leadership
Digital business models
Strategic alignment with technology
Leadership in the digital age
Change management in digital transformation
Ethical considerations in digital strategy
Digital innovation ecosystems
Governance and risk management in digital initiatives
Impact of digital leadership on organizational culture
Track 2: Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
Big data analytics
Predictive analytics and forecasting
Data-driven decision-making
Business intelligence tools and practices
Real-time analytics for business operations
Data privacy and security challenges
Machine learning applications in business
Data visualization for managerial insights
Track 3: Emerging Technologies and Disruptive Innovation
Blockchain and distributed ledger technology
Internet of Things (IoT) applications
Artificial intelligence and cognitive computing
Augmented and virtual reality in business
5G technology and its impact on business
Robotic process automation (RPA)
Quantum computing advancements
Technology-driven business model disruption
Smart Cities
Track 4: E-Commerce and Digital Marketing
Omnichannel retail strategies
Personalization in e-commerce
Social media marketing innovations
Mobile commerce trends
Customer experience in digital channels
Cross-border e-commerce challenges
Digital marketing analytics
Influencer marketing and brand partnerships
Track 5: Sustainable Innovation
Sustainable technologies
Sustainable business practices in digital transformation
Digital sustainability
Green IT and environmental sustainability
Social responsibility in technology-driven initiatives
Circular economy and digitalization
Smart mobility solutions
Energy-efficient technologies
Track 6: Application Areas
Private businesses
Government and state-level institutions (e.g. administrations, municipalities)
Track 3(*):
Please select the track
Track 1: Digital Strategy and Leadership
Digital business models
Strategic alignment with technology
Leadership in the digital age
Change management in digital transformation
Ethical considerations in digital strategy
Digital innovation ecosystems
Governance and risk management in digital initiatives
Impact of digital leadership on organizational culture
Track 2: Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
Big data analytics
Predictive analytics and forecasting
Data-driven decision-making
Business intelligence tools and practices
Real-time analytics for business operations
Data privacy and security challenges
Machine learning applications in business
Data visualization for managerial insights
Track 3: Emerging Technologies and Disruptive Innovation
Blockchain and distributed ledger technology
Internet of Things (IoT) applications
Artificial intelligence and cognitive computing
Augmented and virtual reality in business
5G technology and its impact on business
Robotic process automation (RPA)
Quantum computing advancements
Technology-driven business model disruption
Smart Cities
Track 4: E-Commerce and Digital Marketing
Omnichannel retail strategies
Personalization in e-commerce
Social media marketing innovations
Mobile commerce trends
Customer experience in digital channels
Cross-border e-commerce challenges
Digital marketing analytics
Influencer marketing and brand partnerships
Track 5: Sustainable Innovation
Sustainable technologies
Sustainable business practices in digital transformation
Digital sustainability
Green IT and environmental sustainability
Social responsibility in technology-driven initiatives
Circular economy and digitalization
Smart mobility solutions
Energy-efficient technologies
Track 6: Application Areas
Private businesses
Government and state-level institutions (e.g. administrations, municipalities)
Presentation Type(*):
Please select the presentation type
Full Paper
Short Paper
Reflection Paper
Doctoral Consortium
Corporate Showcase
Track information
: You must choose at least one track to submit your paper (do so in Track1). If you think that more than one track can be applied to your paper then choose also those in Tracks 2 and 3.
Acknowledgment Email
: If you don't get an email after you press the submit button is because the paper has not been submitted properly. In case of difficulties please send an email to
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